HTTP Method | {{$doc['httpMethod']}} |
URL | @{{window.location.origin}}/{{$doc['uri']}} |
Controller | {{$doc['controller_full_path']}} |
Controller Method | {{"@" .$doc['method']}} |
Middleware {{ $loop->index + 1 }} | {{$middleware}} |
No. | Attributes | Type | Nullable | Bail | Rules |
{{$loop->index+1}} | {{$attribute}} @foreach ($rules as $rule) @if (str_contains($rule, 'required')) *required @endif @endforeach | @foreach ($rules as $rule) @if (str_contains($rule, 'integer')) Integer @endif @if (str_contains($rule, 'numeric')) Numeric @endif @if (str_contains($rule, 'string')) String @endif @if (str_contains($rule, 'json')) JSON @endif @if (str_contains($rule, 'array')) Array @endif @if (str_contains($rule, 'date')) Date @endif @if (str_contains($rule, 'boolean')) Boolean @endif @if (str_contains($rule, 'file') || str_contains($rule, 'image')) File @endif @endforeach | @foreach ($rules as $rule) @if (str_contains($rule, 'nullable')) Nullable @endif @endforeach | @foreach ($rules as $rule) @if (str_contains($rule, 'bail')) Bail @endif @endforeach |
@foreach ($rules as $rule)
@foreach (explode('|', $rule) as $r)
@if (!in_array($r, ['required', 'integer', 'string', 'boolean', 'array', 'nullable', 'bail', 'file', 'image', 'numeric']))
@if (!$loop->last)
Enter your request URL with query params
JSON body for the POST|PUT|DELETE request
Response status, code and time.
Status Code | |
Memory Usage | |
Response Time |
Response headers.
Response from the server
No SQL queries executed for this request.
SQL queries executed for this request.
Total Queries | |
Total Query time | ms |
SQL queries
@{{index+1}}. @{{query.time}}ms